These are most of my school class group pictures for grades 1 thru 8, and also a couple of my brother Danny's. Included are:
- Claiborne Elementary, Shreveport, LA, school years 1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49.
- Queensborough Elementary, Shreveport, LA, school years 1949-50 through 1954-55.
- Lakeshore Junior High, Shreveport, LA, school year 1954-55.
I have put names to a few of the kids on the pictures, as well as I can remember (it's been a long time!). Many of the faces are still familiar, but
the names escape me. If anyone can add names to these pictures, I would appreciate receiving them.
If I have mis-named anyone, my apologies, and please send me the corrections.