More Information:
About William Rufus (Will) Wheeless:
Middle name "Rufus" from Ed Seay. Could also be "Reuben". .......................................................................................................
in 1880 Census, AR, Nevada Co., Caney TS Living with the Joseph Rains family; age 20; birthplace,
AR; occupation, farm laborer. .......................................................................................................
in the 1900 Census, AR, Pike Co., ED 88, img. 33; Page 40A. Wheelas, William H W M JAN
1855 45 M 16 AR AR GA Wheelas, Francis W W F MAR 1864 36 M 16 4 4 AR TN AL Wheelas,
Willie S W M JAN 1887 13 S AR AR AR Wheelas, Etta M. D W F MAR
1892 8 S AR AR AR Wheelas, Jackson S W M AUG 1894 5 S AR AR AR Wheelas,
Ollive S W M JAN 1897 3 S AR AR AR .......................................................................................................
Land Records - Pike Co., AR
Wheeless, William R. 160 acres 11/24/1903 .......................................................................................................
in 1910 Census, AR, Pike Co., Pike City TS; Page 280B. Wheeless, William R. H M W 50 M2
18 LA GA LA Wheeless, Nancy W F W 50 M1 18 3 3 GA SC SC Wheeless, Andrew
J. S M W 15 S AR LA GA Wheeless, Arley M. S M W 12 S
AR LA GA Calley, Julia A. SIL F W 60 S GA SC SC (sister of Nancy) .......................................................................................................
in 1920 Census, TX, Galveston, Co., ED 33, img. 17. Age 60; birthplace: GA, father's: LA, mother's:
LA; occupation: oiler-grain elevator. With wife Nancy, 60, sister-in-law Julia Calley, 70. .......................................................................................................
in 1930 Census, AR, Pike Co., ED 13, Pike City TS, img. 7. William and wife Nancy are living with son
Andrew Jackson Wheeless. Name spelled "Wheles". Jackson Wheles 35 Annie Wheles 35 Eva Wheles
14 Sidney Wheles 12 Eunice Wheles 10 Chester Wheles 8 Wm R Wheles 70 Nancy Wheles 70 ....................................................................................................... ..........