More Information:
About Lewis Harris:
1790 Census, Burke Co., NC, Morgan District
Lewis Harris 2 males, 16 and up 5 males under
16 4 females
Lewis was listed as Head, although his widowed mother Sarah and her other children
were living in the house. The two males were Lewis, and Miniard, Sarah's son who migrated to SC probably
with Braddock and Edward Harris, his uncles. The five males under 16 were the four sons of Sarah, and
the infant Miniard, son of Lewis. The four females were Sarah and two of her daughters, and Lewis's
wife. ....................................................
Lewis had several other children
besides Miniard and Edward, for which there is no record. .....................................................
in 1810 Census, NC, Burke Co., img. 51. Besides Lewis and his wife, there are 5 boys and 3 girls living
in the household: 3 males under 10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 16-25, 1 female under 10, and 2 females 10-15. ......................................................
in 1820 Census, NC, Burke Co., img. 51. ......................................................
in 1840 Census, NC, Burke Co., West of North Fork, img. 11. 1 male 70-79, 1 male 10-14, 1 male 5-9,
1 female 70-79, 1 female 50-59. .......................................................