Civil War Service Record of John R. Hardy The Confederate Service Records held in the National Archives consist of a series of cards which were created years after the war from the original Confederate records. The cards reflect periodic muster rolls, lists of deaths, POW lists, etc. from the soldier's units. A card was filled out for each time an individual soldier's name appeared on one of the lists. The records are incomplete, sometimes inaccurate, and often hard to read. However they do contain a wealth of valuable information on many Confederate soldiers. The following are descriptions of the cards comprising John R. Hardy's Civil War Record. Click on the card number to see a scanned image of the card. Card 1 - Company Muster Roll for Oct. 4, 1861 to Oct. 6, 1862, Co. A, 15th Regiment, Ark. Inf., located at Jackson, MS. It describes the unit's actions, locations, and casualties during the period, including the battles at Ft. Heinman, Ft. Henry, and Ft. Donelson, in Tennessee. It indicates that at Ft. Donelson, the Company had none killed, 4 wounded, 62 surrendered, 58 carried off (sent into captivity), 5 escaped, 27 dead, 27 returned. This says that about half of the soldiers sent to the Union prison camp died there (this number would include Molias Hardy). Card 2 - Index of cards in file referring to J. R. Hardy; Co. A, 15th Regiment, Ark. Inf. Card 3 - Company Muster Roll for Oct. 4, 1861 to Oct. 6, 1862, showing J. R. Hardy, Private, Co. A, present at Magnolia, AR on Oct. 4, 1961. Card 4 - Roll of Prisoners of War. This indicates that J. R. Hardy, rank Private, Co. A, was on a list of soldiers captured at Ft. Donelson, TN on Feb. 16, 1862, sent to the prison camp at Camp Butler, IL, then sent to Vicksburg, MS on Sept. 23 1962 to be exchanged. Card 5 - List of Soldiers paroled at Port Hudson - This indicates that J. R. Hardy, rank Corporal, Co. C, was on a list of soldiers paroled on July 12 and 13, 1863. (Company A was re-designated as Company C when the regiment reorganized in the winter of 1862.) Card 6 - Roll of Prisoners of War. This indicates that J. R. Hardy, rank Corporal, Co. C, was on a list of soldiers released on their paroles. List dated Port Hudson, July 12, 1863. Card 7 - List of Confederate Officers sent from Port Hudson to New Orleans on the Steamer "Suffolk", July 14, 1863, J. R. Hardy on list. (There is doubt that this record is correct for J. R. Hardy. The procedure was that only officers were sent to New Orleans for imprisonment, and enlisted men were released on parole. There is a "J. B. Hardy" in the records, a Captain, who is shown as being sent to New Orleans after the surrender, he may be the Hardy referred to in this list.) Card 8 - Index of cards in file for J. R. Hardy, Co. B, Hardy's Regiment, Ark. Inf. Card 9 - Company Muster Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, showing J. R. Hardy, rank Private, Co. B, present at Camp Bragg, AR on Jan. 1, 1864. Back to "Hardys in the Civil War"
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