Organized on June 6, 1862 under the command of Colonel Edward E. Portlock, Jr., and field officers Lt. Col. Thomas M. Whittington and Majors William R. Hardy and Francis H. Wood. The regiment was recruited from the following counties: Co. A, Sevier county; Co. B, Camden and Palestine; Co. C, Halcon; Co. D, Warren; Co. E, Monticello and Drew county; Co. F, Washington; Co. G, Calhoun and Ouachita counties; Co. H, Dallas county; Co. I, Clark and Yell counties, and Co. K, Pike and Polk counties. Assigned to the garrison of Arkansas Post in early December 1862. Most of the regiment was captured when that post was attacked by Union forces under Generals Sherman and McClernand on January 11, 1863. The elements not captured at Arkansas Post were subsequently consolidated with Crawford's Infantry Battalion and the 19th (Dawson's) Infantry Regiment and the combined unit re-designated as "Dawson's-Hardy's Infantry Regiment (Consolidated) in early 1863. The remainder of the regiment was paroled and declared exchanged at City Point, Virginia on May 12, 1863 and were assigned to the Confederate Army of Tennessee where they were consolidated with the remnants of the 2nd Arkansas Infantry in Liddell's Brigade, Cleburne's Division. Because of misconceptions about the surrender of Arkansas Post, few of the Confederate division commanders would accept the soldiers of the 24th; however Pat Cleburne welcomed them warmly and gave them ample opportunity to prove their worth at Chickamauga. After Chickamauga, the 2-24th Arkansas participated in all the remaining battles of Cleburne's Division and the Army of Tennessee: the siege of Chattanooga, Ringgold Gap, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Pickett's Mill, Kennesaw Mountain; Peachtree Creek; Atlanta and its ensuing siege, Jonesboro, Spring Hill (TN), Franklin, Nashville, the Carolinas Campaign, and the Army's last effort at Bentonville, North Carolina in March, 1865. The survivors were consolidated with those of the 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, and 15th Arkansas regiments and the 3rd Confederate Regiment at the last reorganization of the Army of Tennessee at Smithfield, NC on April 9, 1865, and redesignated as the 1st Arkansas Infantry Regiment, Consolidated. Surrendered two weeks later, on April 26, 1865, with General Joe Johnston's Army of Tennessee at Greensboro, North Carolina. Back to Hardys in the Civil War |
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